Author Bio Ed Morykwas has always loved creative writing, believing it is the perfect way to connect with our shared humanity. An English major and aspiring poet at UCLA, he later taught Language Arts to middle school students for 23 years. But it was his 8-year-old granddaughter who inspired Ed to publish his debut children’s book, after their chance conversation spurred an idea about a lady with special powers who lives at the South Pole, just like Santa at the North Pole. When he isn’t writing thought-provoking children’s stories, photography is a mainstay in Ed’s life, whether by taking visitor photos at the Detroit Zoo... as the social media photographer for the city of Birmingham, Michigan... or for his professional photography company, River of Time Photography. He is also the original creator of the popular website,, attracting more than 18 million hits in the early days of the Internet. He and his wife live in Michigan. They both LOVE Christmas! |

Ed took this photo of Santa walking with families.
A friend captured this moment of Ed doing what he loves
(at the Walk to End Alzheimer's).

"Aurora and the Whispering Jewels: A South Pole Christmas Story"
is Ed's first published book. Hope you like it!

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